Monday, May 24, 2010

Music Monday!!

Shakespeare by: Miranda Cosgrove is the song that I picked for this week. This is my favorite song by her. I heard this song for the very first time sung live by her. It has a great beat and makes me want to dance.

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1 comment:

  1. Hey T!

    Sorry I didn't get back to you yet! I forget sometimes to check my comments! :D

    Of course you can do music monday! And I'm glad you did! I didn't do it yet today because we have all been sick, so I am going to be a day late. lol But I usually do a song I like on and do a kid/family friendly song on :) I believe it was started back in 2008 by She still hosts a linky every monday where you can link your post and see others. I know tons of the other bloggers in your mom and my circles do it too. Some host linkies others don't. Usually you can check the twitter hashtag #musicmonday to find more posts too.

    I love meme's and do many of them on both my sites. I almost always do Music Monday, Mailbox Monday is all about freebies you can get in the mail, Wordless Wednesday is a random photo post, Thursday 13 is lists of thirteen random things, What the Friday? is one I made up myself. Every friday I post a survey with answers filled in. I also participate sometimes in Tackle it Tuesday, where you post about a project, and Tuesday Tutorial where you post a how to tutorial. I think that's all I do right now... but I'm not sure. :)

    Hope some of that info helps! You can check out my posts on both my sites to get ideas of all those. If you look in the categories sections of each of my blogs you will see the heading for each.

    Talk to you soon!
